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Julia Harvey

Codename- Videogame

1547 words

SCHS- Spring 2014


Table of Contents


  • Goal

  • Poetry

  • Sources

  • Application of Info.

  • What was Learned


My Goal- was to create a website with poetry and youtube videos and pictures that can be videogame theme. That people can enjoy and that somewhat relate to the theme of my poems.


Pictures- Click on any of the interesting pictures on my website to see a picture (which you can save if you would like.) or a youtube video of my own creation. Please like and subscribe my videos and comment if you please.

Broken By: Julia Harvey

A heart of glass Broken on the hard Concrete scattered on the ground Dazed and confused Emotional from the moment Fury sets in abruptly Gazing at the stars Hesitant to even move an Inch real pain sets in Jolting her wildly Killing her already broken heart Leaving her to bleed hate Momentary feeling mortified Now feeling everything Open wounds closing People she hated leaving Quite a strange feeling coming over Rapidly changing to Sorrow and Tears drip down her face Undoing her anger and hatred Visibly lifting the Weight off her shoulders eXcited to be free but still Yearning the sorrow away Zelda sobs in agony

Home By: Julia Harvey

Home is where the heart is, It's where you eat and sleep, It protects you from the cold, rain and wind, It has the good memories and the bad ones as well, It's where you get hurt and where you get better, It's where you play and bring your friends of all sorts, It's where you go when you're happy and sad, It's where you are, it's where your family is, Because it's Home

Bullied By-Julia Harvey

Death is the loss of a precious life. But, how many countless lives have been lost for nothing, Millions...No trillions in the least. The pain anyone feels about loss is enough to make a grown man bow his head and weep. You taste the pain of salty tears dripping off your cheeks. Feeling the empty and cold lifeless treasure. It can make you lose your mind second after second so slowly that time almost dosen't move at all. The smell of the flowers once precious to that person. Hearing the agoninzing sound of music loved and sobbing so uncontrollably that you can't see through the wet haze of your own tears. That is loss... But always remember them no matter the pain and remember all others who have been lost as well. So please stop bulling today so no others face the horror of lost children, friends, and students

Cherry Blossoms By- Julia Harvey

Beauty so infinite Love so large There day after day even under stars Smells so sweet Falls with ease Precious like pearls Pale pink so soft like pillows outside.

I'm sorry isn't enough By-Julia Harvey

I'm sorry for this I'm sorry for you I'm sorry that everything around me is so blue I'm sorry for me I'm sorry for you I'm sorry for everything we had to do Everything is sad And everything is hard I'm sorry that world is so tough I'm sorry for everything But sorry isn't always enough...

Control? By- Julia Harvey

Happy, Mad, Angry, Sad all the emotions I'm glad to have But, too bad I have videogames so I can't control how I feel even when I'm eating a meal So I think "What's the big deal?" Then I look in the mirror now I see I should put down everything... But, nope I don't I just think "I need to be me" So videogames it is you see.

Sources- Harvey, Julia L. "GamerGirl KA." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 09 Apr. 2014. <>. "Google." Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Apr. 2014. <>. Harvey, Julia L. "Redirecting..." Redirecting... N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Apr. 2014. <>. "Welcome to the Land of Forests and Temples." Welcome to the Land of Forests and Temples. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Apr. 2014. <>. "" - Shorten That Long URL into a Tiny URL. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Apr. 2014. <>. "HAIKU for PEOPLE." HAIKU for PEOPLE. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Apr. 2014. <>. "YouTube to Mp3 Converter." YouTube to Mp3 Converter. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Apr. 2014. <>.

I used to get the videos that I have hidden as links in some of my pictures. The reason being, I wanted to make youtube videos for people to watch, that were mine. And, to have a little fun like you will when you find and watch them. I did almost all of my videos on my free time as well. Enjoy my videos and please like and subscribe and comment on them as well too. I used to look up some of my pictures. Also to find websites, like this one after I forgot to save it to my computer. I also used google to help me spell some words correctly, so if there are any spelling errors you can thank google. That is everything I used google for.

I used to make sure I could put the pictures I used on my website. The link in this paragraph is for my google drive if your wondering. Every picture that you see on this website is on my google drive so that people can see then up close or get it for them self.

I used to get some of my awesome Zelda pictures. I also I used it to think over some of my poems, and to get ideas for others. It's a very good cite if your over the age of 13 years old. (just a heads up may contain inappropriate content) But if anyone likes original Zelda fan fiction picture that is a good cite.

I used to help me with only one poem. My cherry blossom poem, I wanted a nature poem. I also wanted that haiku style poem thats wasn't a haiku. So I stuck with the tradional nature feel of a haiku but, the regular style of poem.

I used to get all of the music on my website. I picked out every last song on each and every link. I hope you all enjoyed these songs as much as I done. They are each special chosen for the links they are on. Please do enjoy them and like them on youtube.

I learned from my website... It's hard to work on a website and keep it updated, also if you have spelling or grammar errors the website doesn't let you know. That's what I've learned so far. 2/20/2014 What I learned today is the simplest word can be so complex, like the word 'home' to my mom it mean so much to her and it can mean something completely different to someone else like me or any of my friends it's just the way everyone is we all have different means to the same words. 3/4/2014 I found out if you but in different word in google to find picture I can help you a lot more than I thought, I looked up "Zelda sobbing" and I couldn't find any good pictures but when I searched "Zelda crying" and I found amazing pictures I never thought I could. 3/14/2014 I just keep thinking about this website, how it's changed me. To spell better and focus on something, I didn't think this project would stick with me and I would work on it, but I have been and it has. It's a nice thought. 4/11/2014 I just learned that if spelling matters , don't use google. It just messes up the spelling of most things for some reason. I should just use word documents when it comes to spell. 4/18/2014 What I have learned from my website is that I might be obsessed with Peanut Butter Gamer... I don't think I am but my friends just keep pointing out all of the pictures that I have with him in it. I just like his work and going to his dream town that doesn't mean I'm obsessed... does it? I guess I will never know. 4/19/2014 I learned that you can take you're hat of in you're dream world in Animal Crossing : New Leaf , and you can put shoes if you can find them. I just thought that was cool and I just learned that on Saturday I hope it can be useful for you and others. Thank you I will take my Genius Award now. 4/21/2014 I have known for a while that i'm funny but man, I put a really funny paper that I typed a funny paper it's about youtube and PewDiePie and I also put a PewDiePie picture with it. And all of that together is just to funny to me oh my god it's awesome. 2/24/2014

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